Enjoy this delicious, slightly healthier version of a traditional pizza, with artichokes!

Pizza with artichoke.jpg

Why not start the weekend with this delicious slightly healthier take on a traditional Pizza? We are lucky to have incredible artichokes at our disposal and so made them the star of the show in this recipe. We have included our organic Sujaira cheese, which is suitable for Vegetarians, however if you want to make this recipe Vegan you could substitute in Tofu or keep it simple with a delicious tomato frito base.

Ingredients for Pizza base:

  • 400g of Flour

  • 15g of fresh yeast

  • ½ tablespoon of salt

  • 3 tablespoon of olive oil (OORE009)


Ingredients for the Pizza:

  • 200ml fried tomato (VEGP104)

  • 100g canned artichoke hearts (VEGP202)

  • 1 wedge of Organic Sujaira cheese for grating (GOCH001PC)

  • Fresh basil, Oregano, Thyme

  • Pepper and salt


Steps to make it:

1. Mix the flour, salt and yeast in a large bowl. Add the water and oil and stir with a fork until you have a ball that you can easily knead with your hands. If you want a more intense oregano flavor, I would recommend adding half a teaspoon of chopped or dried oregano to the flour.

2. Sprinkle a little flour on a surface and knead for about two minutes. After this time, you should have a fairly homogeneous ball.

3. Grease a container with a little oil and put the ball of dough inside. Cover it with some plastic wrap or a cloth and leave it in a warm area of ​​the house. Prepare the toppings. (The longer resting time the better! About 30 'or 1h is ideal)

4. Preheat the oven to 240c. Leave a tray in the lowest possible area of ​​the oven (directly on the base if possible). Allow to Preheat for at least 15 minutes.

5. After the resting time, cut the dough into the number of pizzas you want, stretch the dough and put the base of the pizza on greaseproof paper. With this quantity you should get two large pizzas.

6. Put two tablespoons of tomato frito on the base of the pizza and spread evenly.  Add the ingredients you want, followed by cheese. In this case we have used cooked artichokes. Place the pizzas on the preheated tray at the base of the oven. This direct heat will ensure the dough is crispy.

7. After 3 minutes, lower the oven temperature to 180ºC with grill and move the pizza higher up the oven. Leave there for 4 minutes until crispy and golden around the edges.

8. Best served piping hot.